This is the perfect opportunity to get in on a Category Exclusive BACC Leads Referral Group. The group will meet the 2nd TUESDAY of every month. Those interested are encouraged to attend. By meeting frequently, the businesses become well acquainted and build trust among members. In time, leads are referred, and there is greater opportunity for sales to be generated. LOCATION: Bartlett Park District, Program Room #5. Coffee, water, and light continental breakfast will be available. Check it out before your category is filled. Please contact Shannon Potenzo at for information on the LEADS Group and available categories or if you plan to attend as a guest.
Bartlett Park District
Program Room #5
700 S. Bartlett Road, Bartlett
Date/Time Information:
2nd TUESDAY every month
8:00-9:00 A.M.
Contact Information:
Contact the Chamber Office at 630-830-0324 or email Shannon Potenzo at for information on the LEADS Group and available categories and to register to attend the meeting.
No charge-Member benefit
Non-Members are allowed to visit one time to meet our members. Please contact Shannon Potenzo at for information on the LEADS Group and available categories and to register to attend the meeting.